'Four Days' by Les Bill Gates

Remember me?
You betrayed me today.
With a kiss, you showed them the way
And collected thirty silver coins.
You whipped me and mocked me.
You crowned me with thorns.
So grovel in the dirt, pick up your pay.
You betrayed me today.
Remember me?
You killed me today.
You sent me to the cross, then washed your hands
And set the murderer free.
You cursed and mocked me and made me a joke,
You threw dice for my cloak.
As the curtain was rent, night replaced day.
You killed me today.
Remember me?
You mourned for me today.
You pronounced me dead, laid me in the tomb,
And sealed it with a stone.
Though you denied you knew me, you still had hope
That death would have no hold on the Son of God;
To the Father there could be no other way.
You mourned for me today.
Remember me?
I rose for you today.
The stone rolled back, the tomb was bare,
There was no one there.
I died in your place, so your sins could be forgiven.
I defeated death, so you could go on living. 
With my blood, your sins were washed away.
I rose for you today.


© Les Bill Gates

'Life is a Journey' Les Bill Gates

Life is a journey of triumphs and woes.

Some plan their journey and know where they’re heading.

Others drift along for fear of mistreading,

Where’er the wind blows.


Life is a journey of triumphs and woes.

Some aim to be their best self in all things.

Others have no ambition and fly without wings -

No strings to their bows.


Life is a journey of triumphs and woes.

Some are inward-looking, nationalistic and shun.

Others are dreamers and imagine someday the world will be one -

All will be bro’s.


Life is a journey of triumphs and woes.

Some live in shackles, abused or as slaves.

Others are free spirits who live life to the full all their days,

They have no repose.


Life is a journey of triumphs and woes.

Some hate their neighbours who live in the gutter.

Others love and do good, like the saint of Kolkata

With food and with clothes.


Life is a journey of triumphs and woes.

Some seek only hatred and war.

Others seek peace and all it stands for,

They love their neighbours and their foes.


Life is a journey of triumphs and woes.

Some hate religion and say there is no God.

Others believe their sins are forgiven and washed by His blood -

Sharon’s rose.


Life can be a journey of triumphs, no woes.

This is their journey to becoming free,

The best soul they can ever be,


One who triumphs, and one who knows.



© Les Bill Gates

Breaking News

My poem 'Four Days' is performed by an actor from the Wildsound Screenplay Festival:

